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„Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?“
- Mary Oliver

She is a human who lives among pages of her YA Fantasy books, thrives in the depth of the night where no one sees her true face and how she smiles for nobody but herself, and who craves the wide expanses of foggy landscapes, never-ending fields to run across and the sun creeping at the horizon.


Occasionally, she loses her mind, runs down empty streets past midnight while listening way too loudly to melancholic songs, cries for the dark-haired, high cheekboned and uniquely eyed guys from her books, and dreams of running away north.


When she’s not reading and marking every second sentence with a post-it (because re-reading, duh), she struggles with finishing one of her dozen commenced stories she hopes to publish one day, and watches questionable series and roots for anime characters.


There are at least eight guys she has a crush on and the funny part is they’re not even real but fictional. Moreover they basically share the same looks and have extraordinary personalities and humour, which makes it really hard to tear her away from building castles in the air. Might also be the major reason why she wrinkles her nose at each non-fictional guy, has a constant scowl on her face and knits her brows together the moment someone hits on her. Note to everyone out there: Spare yourself the effort and don’t even attempt to approach her unless you’re either Swedish and hard on the eye or tall, lean muscles, have raven hair, facial features to kill for and serious issues.


Aside from her reading, book-buying and falling-in-love-with-the-handsome-problematic-dudes addiction, she has an obsession with roses, sunsets and sunrises, and loves chains and black. She wants to learn Swedish and Scottish Gaelic, move north and wake up to a mist-shrouded hillside and have a Dobermann at her side.  


Treating women differently from men is a total, fucking no-go. So better flick your own ass into an apron because she ain’t going to wash your fucking laundry, feed you like a shitty baby, press a child out for you nor is she ever going to support inequality. Either be her equal in every way or you can get the fuck lost.


Life has to be simply vibrant, vivid and genuine. Don’t live a life you’re nor proud of. You’re only going to live once so whatever punishment you burden yourself with that makes you lose focus on the really important things, shake it off and do whatever the fuck you wanna do. Run down empty streets at night, dance under a sky full of stars, shed your armour and let your inner darkness shine, free yourself from poisonous people, dream big and savour bigger.


Cherish yourself because in the end we’re all alone. We come alone and we go alone. There is no point in giving yourself up for others when you’re still alone the moment your heart stops to beat.


Send her any wishes, requests or questions you have. She may have a sarcastic, bitchy and cocky attitude but she's still approachable. 




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