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I Started a Blog

This better be some kind of stupid joke. Me starting a blog is as dumb as making your bed in the evening. – Absolutely pointless. However, somehow I still did it. All you're getting here is mainly stuff about books I read and reviews, sometimes easy-made and foolproof recipes, rarely travel stories and the even rarer good, sentimental and philosphic shit that my depraved brain comes up with.

The impossible happened and after some encouragement from a friend of mine I finally established my own site and - drumms - it's a blog, folks. And before you freak out - I'm neither a professional nor will I ever be. This blog is just for fun and so I finally get the chance to roast and praise books, publish my easy-made dishes and write random shit I'm willing to share with the public. - Nothing else, calm your horses.

There are several reasons why this idea is one of the awfully bad ones that popped up in my head due to a mental blackout. Starting a blog could have only risen from a moment of madness.

Why is that so?

Well, I’m still a teenager, not exactly known for a strict discipline rather a lax one or having none at all, gain my motivation from momentaneous flights of fantasy and hate regularities. To cut a long story short, I’m probably the most unsuited person you could possibly find on the streets to seriously run a blog. But is that not how the real and successful things all start? – No, not really. At least not in my case.

I'm a eighteen-year-old girl from a petty, boring and conservative suburb and I've been attending school for way too long, which is about roughly 12.5 years and now that I typed it in I'm screaming. I don't have real hobbies unless you count watching anime, scrolling down fandom profiles on tumblr, listening to melancholic music and excessive coffee drinking as such. Furthermore I love reading books, talking about them (and getting odd reactions like "what tf is wrong with you" and "are you still sane") and, ultimately, writing reviews though no-freaking-body gives a flying fig about those.

There aren't many things I cherish more than reading and wiping away tears at the same moment as sob-laughing because... well, because... because... books, folks, and the magic of beautiful, cheesy and witty romance *cough* and all so familiarly cliché. But Young Adult Romantasy, folks. And I crush really easily and hard on the dark-haired, high-cheekboned and special-eyed guy of a YA Fantasy book.

And before everyone thinks I'm that typical YA-trash fan-girly chick - which by the way is totally true - I also read NA Fantasy. Take that.

It's going to be great, folks, trust me on that.


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