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Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo - Book Review

Updated: May 28, 2019

Writing genius Leigh Bardugo is back with another series, taking us back into the enthralling and marvelous world of the Grisha Trilogy with a stupendous comeback novel about six outcasts and an impossible heist. Be prepared for an emotional rollercoaster, exceptional vibes, intriguing characters and a plot that is a divine blessing.

“We’re either geniuses or the dumbest sons of bitches to ever breathe air.”

Title: Six of Crows

Series: Six of Crows (#1)

Genre: YA Fantasy

Author: Leigh Bardugo

Publish Date: 29th September 2015

Pages: 462

Personal Rating: 10/10

Bless my lifetime.

A whole squad of doctors had to pull back their sleeves and bring a twitching body – aka me – back to life while that damned corpse made funny noises and mumbled bullshit like “heaven, hell, they’re amazing”, “Kaz”, “what a brilliant asshole”, “I love them so much”, “I wanna be one of them”.

They succeeded, I guess. A good thing there is the sequel to dive back into my fangirl-frenzy and to solidify my away-from-decent-morale-to-dark-grey-to-black path.

“Kaz,” Jesper said. “This whole ‘shoot me’ thing is starting to concern me.”

I’ve stalled enough and it had been high time that I read it. And I did it and thought “This is one of the most amazing books I’ve ever laid my eyes one”.

I knew in advance that the Six of Crows Duology whould be thrilling, addictive and outstanding but damn, my already high expectations were towered by the actual outcome. Six of Crows was that brilliant and unfathomably good that I can’t find a word in my vocabulary which would do justice to the book. That book, ladies and gentlemen, is an outstanding, authentic novel!

Survive. Survive. Survive.

(You can bet on that I tried to do that as well. Six of Crows would have been my death if I hadn’t shielded my heart in the last second.)

But I’ll die on my feet with a knife in my hand.


Ketterdam: a bustling hub of international trade where anything can be had for the right price—and no one knows that better than criminal prodigy Kaz Brekker. Kaz is offered a chance at a deadly heist that could make him rich beyond his wildest dreams. But he can’t pull it off alone. . . .

A convict with a thirst for revenge

A sharpshooter who can’t walk away from a wager

A runaway with a privileged past

A spy known as the Wraith

A Heartrender using her magic to survive the slums

A thief with a gift for unlikely escapes

Kaz’s crew is the only thing that might stand between the world and destruction—if they don’t kill each other first.

- Goodreads

3 Reasons Why

Am I seriously doing this? Listing three reasons why you should read SoC? At this rate I think it’s obvious that you should read it. It would only do self-harm if you wouldn’t. Six of Crows can crush lives – and I say this in a matter of fact. IT cRUshEs liVeS!

Anyway, let’s keep to my formula.

  1. Kaz Brekker (and all the other characters)

  2. Vibrant, vivid, brilliant and gripping plot

  3. Vibes

Leigh Bardugo is one killer story teller and there is no way I’ll ever get over the beauty and perfection of this book. At this point I don’t even know why other authors try. “Try to keep up” is definitely the understatement of the eon. Others really gotta step up their game if they ever feel the urge to be in the same class.

“Sure of yourself, aren’t you, Brekker?” “Myself and nothing else.”


It’s no little secret that Leigh Bardugo is a genius when it comes to great prose, twisted and brilliant plots, intriguing, genuine and addicting characters and otps to kill for. So, what other comment can I make than that she just did it again? – Leigh Bardugo just managed, for the holy shit of mine, to steal my heart all over again. Woman, to start with I wasn’t even sure if I had a heart to give since it was ripped out of my chest due to a novel called Ruin and Rising. - Huh, what a coincidence.

Six of Crows will always have a very special and sacred place in my heart. That book was just extraordinary an unique with its authentic vibe of Ketterdam, Kerch, Fjerda and all the other beautiful places. Leigh Bardugo brings your imagination back to life and the outcome is simply overwhelming. Once you’ve started, you never want to stop. You want to keep reading those beautiful sentences, those witty and poignant dialogues, the enthralling action, the unique vibe that came with the reading and made you believe you were in fact running down an alley in Ketterdam, puddles splashing underneath your soles. (I’d run straight to a certain dark-haired guy with a cane and gloved hands).

Not only was the world-building absolutely overwhelming and brilliant also the characters were everything and more one could have ever dreamed of. Bardugo granted us the chance to escape from our world into a magic, authentic and dangerous world we never want to leave again, and introduced us to such unique, genuine and vivid characters. Their background stories were gripping and, seriously, life to me. Six protagonists and that brilliant woman Bardugo managed to make them so deep, authentic and individual it actually hurts.

“Greed is your god, Kaz.” He almost laughed at that. “No, Inej. Greed bows to me. It is my servant and my lever.”

If the characters are already life-ruiningly good, the relationships are simply made to inflict mental pain. I have no words. The only thing left to do is repeating myself and fishing for words I would never find to put my emotions into an actual language. – And I’m multilingual and trust me I still can’t handle it and pull myself together to voice what I feel.

Honest Words

“You don’t want a look at what’s inside my head, Nina dear.”

The perfect novel for all the YA Fantasy lovers out there. This novel will make all your wishes come true (and then tear them away because you can’t stay in a novel, genius). Please, make sure to be prepared when the addiction hits home.

I loved everything about Six of Crows. Usually, I give ten out of ten provided that I cried. However, this time I counted my goosebumps, heart-racing, lump in my throat, the ache in my heart, the love for the characters, the gripping vibe and the almost tears as mental outbursts. So, yeah. 10 out of 10. That book really deserves it, and who knows maybe the sequel will provide the crying (I’m pretty positive about it, tbh).

Kaz cocked his head to one side, eyes focused on something in the distance. “Scheming face,” Jesper whispered to Inej. She nodded. “Definitely.”

Otps Appreciation (spoiler-alert)

I won’t make a secret out of I, but I totally crushed hard on all six protagonists and the otps just make me realize once more what a petty love life – which is equal zero since there is no him in my life and neither a her, just a bitter, depressed me.

Jesper x Wylan

I loved the fact that Bardugo finally brought a gay couple into this. Although there isn’t much romance – actually none at all – between them in Six of Crows, I’m pretty sure that otp will heat up in the sequel.

Wylan blushed deeper, and Jesper shook his head. “Play piano, too?” “Flute,” said Wylan defensively. “Perfect.”

“Hooded, chained, and shackled?” said Jesper. “You’re sure we can’t go in as entertainers? I hear Wylan really kills it on the flute.”

Kaz x Inej

*sighs* I can’t. It’s too much for my poor little lump aka heart. “sighs*

“Please, my darling Inej, treasure of my heart, won’t you do me the honour of acquiring me a new hat?”

Is it just me or is there anyone else who had that tickling in their eyes and a lump in their throat when Inej waited for Kaz to say the words and finally commit to their relationship but couldn’t? – No. Well, bad for you. I did.

Feeling anything for Kaz Brekker was the worst kind of foolishness.

“I will have you without armour, Kaz Brekker. Or I will not have you at all.”

“How long will we be gone?” she asked, darting a glance at him through the open doorway. He was corded muscle, scars, but only two tattoos – the Dregs’ crow and cup on his forearm and above it, a black R on his biceps. She’d never asked him what it meant.

But some day you’ll meet a boy who will learn your favourite flower, you favourite song, your favourite sweet. Only that boy earns your heart. Kaz had taught her to crack a safe, pick a pocket, wield a knife. He’d gifted her with her first blade, the one she called Sankt Petyr – not as pretty as wild geraniums, but more practical, she supposed.

Because I’ve been looking for an excuse to talk to you for two days.

It was as if once Kaz had seen her, he’d understood how to keep seeing her.

Kaz snagged her wrist. “Inej.” His gloved thumb moved over her thumb, traced the top of the feather tattoo. “If we don’t make it out, I want you to know…” She waited. Those words would never come.

The sun was out for once, and Inej had turned her face to it. Her eyes were shut, her oil-black lashes fanned over her cheeks. The harbor wind had lifted her dark hair, and for a moment Kaz was a boy again, sure that there was magic in this world.

The she was lovely and brave and better than anything he deserved. That he was twisted, crooked, wrong, but not so broken that he couldn’t pull himself together into some semblance of a man for her.

I’m sorry. This just got out of hand really quickly.

“Saints, Kaz, you actually look happy?” “Don’t be ridiculous,” he snapped. But there was no mistaking. Kaz Brekker was grinning like an idiot.

I can hear the change in Kaz’s breathing when he looks at you.” “You…you can?” “It catches every time, like he’s never seen you before.”

I’m sorry but I’m done now.

“When everyone knows you’re a monster, you needn’t waste time doing every monstrous thing.”

Not quite.

Nina x Matthias

There’s nothing better than a serious hate-to-love trope and thanks Bardugo we’re provided one. They insult each other I mean how beautiful is that?!

“We’ll set fire to raisins or whatever you heathens do for fun.” “Zealot.” “Witch.” “Barbarian.”

“If we make it out of here alive, I’m going to kiss you unconscious.”

I’m a helpless case, aren’t I? Now you know why there was a whole squad of doctors needed and an AICD wouldn’t do the job.

Bardugo what are you doing to me?

Help me. Seriously, does it ever get better?

My Playlist

As if the whole book wasn’t enough vibe, thrill and enchanting, here’s the ultimate playlist which will do a wonderful job at making the read so much better, powerful and exhilarating, and thus you can bid your goodbyes to your sanity and health. I did mine already.

“Man with a knife, remember?” he said over his shoulder. “Man with a gun!” Jesper called after him. Kaz replied with a time-saving gesture that relied heavily on his middle finger and disappeared belowdecks.

Six of Crows Playlist

  • Bryce Fox – Horns

  • Hozier – Foreigner’s God

  • Billie Eilish – bury a friend

  • Hozier – In The Woods Somewhere

  • Bishop Briggs – River

  • Vera Blue – Fingertips

  • Hozier – Dinner & Diatribes

  • Laura Welsh – Break The Fall¨

  • Welshly Arms – Who Knew

  • Bishop Briggs – The Fire

  • Deathbyromy – Pocket Change

  • Hozier, Mavis Staples – Nina Cried Power

  • Hozier – Movement

  • Hozier – Shrike

  • Hozier – To Noise Making

  • Ta-ku, Wafia – Love Somebody

  • Zayde Wolf – Hustler

  • Bishop Briggs – Hallowed Ground

Yes, it’s heavily loaded with Hozier but shut the fuck up, listen to it and feel the vibes. It’s fantastic. A Kaz Brekker/Rietveld is not the same without Hozier music in the background. I’m trying to do a list on Spotify and link this somehow to my blog but I’m not very familiar with technology so… apologies.

Kaz wiped the knife clean, returned it to his sleeve, and drove his gloved fingers into Oomen’s eye socket. He shrieked and twitched as Kaz yanked out his eyeball, its base trailing a bloody root.

That was it, quite literally. This review better ends here because I’ve got to get up, snag Crooked Kingdom from my bookshelf and ravish it, simultaneously, with wrecking my life once again.

And btw I crushed really hard on Kaz and I think my zodiac said I would suffer from a terrible heartache, so… there you go. Thanks and bye.

I’m going to get my money, Kaz vowed. And I’m going to get my girl.

Read my 5-star review of Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo on Goodreads and follow me there to check out the books I've read and are on my to-do list.

Dirtyhands had come to see the rough work done.

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